Andrea Helmuth
2020 Alsdorf ETU Powerman Middle Distance
A Solo-Competition in Times of COVID-19

Happy Finisher.
All the good intentions ended abruptly, and my fitness had long gone from top to loss of form. However, 14 days ago, my mailbox contained a surprising envelope with a bib and finisher medal. What am I supposed to do with a finisher medal for a competition I didn’t even start, and which was cancelled without substitution? Besides, we are talking about the Duathlon Middledistance European Championship Powerman Alsdorf, which would have been my first start for the age group national team of the DTU. Ultimately, I decide to start at the planned date: the perfect motivation!
So, today was race day, and it was time to complete the duathlon and earn that medal. Remotely, unrivaled yet ambitiously, I ran 10 KM, rode 60 KM and crossed the imaginary finish line after running another 10 KM.
I can’t help imagining how it would have gone and felt like, and neither can, or will I pretend that it was all fun and games. What I missed the most, though, were the personal encounters, the common experience, the excitement and friction, the professionalism, the cheerfulness, being on the road in unknown places and the common trial of strength. This is what makes competitions so valuable for all of us.
Combined with the sporting hope, I’m really looking forward to meeting you all on the racing road again sometime. Until then, my heartfelt gratitude and sympathy goes out to those affected by the current situation; physically, mentally and economically. Thank you, @Powerman for the organization and for sending out the bib and swag which will remain a memento of this unusual time.
Above all, if there is one thing, we can draw from this, it is: necessity begets ingenuity. So, stay safe and stay motivated.
Run. First leg, 5km
Bike, 60km
Run. Second leg, 5km
Based on the real competition in Alsdorf: Start, Transition and Finishline for me at „Schwerspatgrube Anna“.